Can I Pass Apush Exam Without Reading

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To pass your physics exams, yous'll need to pay attention in grade and regularly written report the bailiwick matter and then that you lot take an agreement of the core concepts that you were taught. To practice this, you tin can employ several studying tactics with your classmates that will help solidify your noesis. On the day of the exam, it's important that y'all're well-rested, have eaten properly, and remain at-home during the test. If you studied adequately before you have to take the exam, you'll feel much more confident the twenty-four hour period of the test.

  1. one

    First studying a couple of days or weeks in advance of the exam. You won't do well on a physics test if you lot cram all of the of import information the night earlier. Make a point to acquire, sympathize, and exercise physics bug a couple of days or even weeks before the exam is scheduled then that you are fully prepared when test day comes.[ane]

    • Having a good grasp on the information that will be on the test volition make yous more confident when you have it.
  2. ii

    Review the topics that may be on the test. You can determine what will be on the examination based on the topics you've covered in form and whatsoever quizzes or homework that you lot've had thus far. Accept a expect at the notes that yous took in class and memorize and study equations and key concepts that will likely be used on the examination.[2]

    • For example, yous may be asked to define Newton'southward first Law of Motion. You tin can write, "An object at residual stays at rest and an object in movement stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."[iii]


  3. 3

    Read alee in the volume before your class. Having the text in your heed earlier you go into physics form will make it easier to follow forth with your teacher. Many physics concepts build from what you learned last. Determine the parts that yous're having problem agreement and write down questions that you have for your teacher.[4]

    • For example, if you've already learned how to determine velocity, there's a expert chance y'all'll review how to calculate average acceleration. Knowing the text in advanced will aid you blot the material amend.
  4. 4

    Solve new bug outside of grade. Spend at least two-3 hours studying and solving new equations outside of class for every 1 hour of course time. This repetition will help y'all embrace concepts better and will prepare you to solve the questions on the exam.

    • If you want, you can set a time limit on your answers to replicate the weather in the examination.
  5. five

    Review and revise your homework. Scan through your homework and try to solve the questions that you struggled with or got incorrect. Many teachers will put equations on the exam that are similar to homework questions so review them all.[5]

    • You should even review the questions you got correct then that yous tin reinforce what will exist on the examination.
  6. six

    Nourish and pay attention during every class. In physics, new concepts build off prior concepts so it's of import that you lot don't miss grade or procrastinate with learning because it'due south like shooting fish in a barrel to fall behind. If you can't brand it to class, make certain that you get the notes and read the corresponding affiliate in your textbook.[6]

    • If you can't attend class considering of a sickness or emergency, ask your instructor what you should report while you're out.


  1. 1

    Memorize what important variables represent. Since physics utilizes variables in equations, it's important that you know what each variable stands for or you won't be able to answer the question. Some of the near common variables are "A" for surface area, "V" for volume, a lowercase "v" for velocity, and a lowercase "m" for mass. Information technology's all-time to concentrate on the variables that y'all know may show up on the examination.[vii]

    • Acceleration is represented by a lowercase "a," while momentum is represented by a lowercase "p."
    • Other of import variables may include "F" for force, "T" for torque, and "I" for electric current.
  2. 2

    Study of import formulas. Knowing the core principles of physics will requite y'all a greater understanding of the questions on the test. Some of the nigh of import formulas in physics include calculating things like strength, mass, and torque.[eight]

    • Physics likewise includes concepts like Newton's Police force of Move, gravity, vibrations, and waves.
    • For example, d/t = southward, or total altitude over time equals average speed, is the equation to determine the boilerplate speed that an object was moving over a certain distance.
    • To find the average acceleration of an object, you'd summate the velocity of the object over the time that it traveled, or a = v/t.
  3. three

    Pay attending to unit conversions. Physics teachers and professors will commonly include variables with different units of measure out to trip you upward on the test. Make sure to always fully read the questions and their units so that you recall to catechumen them before you solve the equation or you will go the wrong answer.[nine] [x]

    • For instance, if the equation asks you lot to decide the distance a train has traveled, you can solve information technology by multiplying velocity by time. Yet, if the equation asks yous how far the train has traveled in five minutes while moving at 100 mph, you lot'll demand to catechumen 5 minutes to its equivalent in hours, or five minutes/60 minutes (1 hour) = .083 hours.
      • Instead of the equation existence 100 mph x v minutes, the equation will at present be 100 mph 10 .083 hours = eight.3 miles.
  4. iv

    Draw diagrams to help sympathize key concepts. Many physics questions that have to do with forces can be drawn in a diagram or graph. If you're stumped by math or equations, endeavor drawing diagrams to better understand concepts and questions.[eleven]

    • For example, yous tin can draw an object every bit a square and depict the forces on that object using arrows. This can help y'all determine things similar velocity.
  5. 5

    Report with a friend. Piece of work in a collaborative setting and then that you can ask other students questions when you're stumped. This volition let y'all to use your strengths in physics to the benefit of others while gaining more knowledge than you could alone with your classmates.[12]

  6. six

    Employ flashcards to memorize words and equations. Write down the equation name on one side of the bill of fare and the written-out equation on the other side of the card. Have someone read the equation proper name aloud and try to recite the correct respond.[13]

    • For example, you tin can write "velocity" on i side of the card and write the equation for velocity, or "v=s/t" on the other side of the card.
    • You can write "Newton's Second Constabulary" on i side of the card and write the equation for it or, "∑F = ma," on the other side of the carte.
  7. 7

    Evaluate previous exams to see what you're struggling with. If yous take previous quizzes or tests that your teacher graded, you should review them and concentrate on the questions or concepts you got incorrect. This will help you improve where you're weak and could better your overall exam score.[14]

    • This is especially useful for exams that examination your cumulative knowledge, like midterms or finals.


  1. 1

    Get vii-eight hours of sleep the dark earlier the examination. Getting acceptable sleep helps build retention and will help you parse physics questions easier. If you cram all night and become no rest, at that place'southward a skillful run a risk you lot won't retain the data you studied.[xv]

    • Even if your exam is midday, information technology's better to wake up early and be mentally prepared in advance.
    • Since physics requires complex critical thinking, it'southward best to accept the test when you're awake and aware.
    • Sticking to a regular sleeping schedule will help reinforce what you acquire when you study.
  2. ii

    Eat a salubrious breakfast the mean solar day of the exam. Eating a breakfast high in slow-release carbohydrates similar rolled porridge oats or whole grain bread tin improve student operation during exams. Yous should likewise consume proteins like eggs, yogurt, or milk to keep you feeling fuller for longer. To give yourself an extra boost of free energy, stop off your breakfast with fruits high in cobweb, like apples, bananas, or pears.[16]

    • Eating a healthy breakfast before the test will aid you retain information better.
  3. iii

    Remain calm and confident when taking the test. Inhale deeply through your nose and out of your mouth if yous're feeling stressed. Know what building and room your examination is in and how to become there before the twenty-four hours of your test. Get to the examination at least 15 minutes early on to eliminate whatsoever fretfulness that might build from existence late.[17]

    • The more you've studied and prepared, the more than confident y'all'll feel during the test.
  4. four

    Read each question carefully before answering. Before you lot start answering the question, you should fully empathize it. If you are stumped on a question, skip over information technology and revisit information technology at a later time. Read over each question carefully and completely and so that y'all don't waste material time finding wrong solutions.[18]

    • Take special note of unit conversions so that you don't get the wrong solution.
  5. 5

    Explicate your reasoning on each question. Most physics teachers will laurels partial credit even if you can't figure out the solution to the problem. Write detailed explanations and draw diagrams to explain your reasoning.[19]

    • Even if you go the math wrong, understanding the underlying concept may get you partial credit for the question.


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    What'south a good fashion to practice problems that might be on the test?

    Sean Alexander, MS

    Sean Alexander is an Bookish Tutor specializing in teaching mathematics and physics. Sean is the Owner of Alexander Tutoring, an bookish tutoring business concern that provides personalized studying sessions focused on mathematics and physics. With over 15 years of feel, Sean has worked as a physics and math instructor and tutor for Stanford University, San Francisco Country University, and Stanbridge Academy. He holds a BS in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara and an MS in Theoretical Physics from San Francisco Land Academy.

    Sean Alexander, MS

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    Requite yourself a mini practice exam. Do 5 questions that you think will be on the test and come across how you practice. Grade information technology like an bodily exam, then repeat until you're able to go three or more questions right on your own.

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    How can I study for xvi hours a 24-hour interval?

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    Ultimately, studying for that long volition be counterproductive. Y'all'll merely terminate upwardly tired and burnt out, which will get in much harder to absorb new information. If you admittedly must cram for that long, make sure to break information technology up with plenty of breaks to walk effectually, have a snack, and sip some water. If possible, switch betwixt subjects so yous don't become burnt out on whatever one thing.

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    Is physics really that difficult?

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    How tin I written report for physics in one day?

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    If you lot don't already take a good grasp of the concepts, there's but so much you'll be able to exercise in ane day! Review your notes and make sure you understand the key ideas for the exam. If possible, memorize any formulae that you might notice peculiarly helpful. You can also try taking a practice quiz or exam to check your understanding of the material.

  • Question

    How tin can I study every of import point if I don't accept enough fourth dimension to grasp every point?

    Community Answer

    Have each indicate 1 at a fourth dimension, and endeavor to remember cardinal words. That will assistance you think and form whole answers.

  • Question

    What do I need to study?

    Community Answer

    Do as many practice problems as you lot can. The textbooks usually have them after each chapter, only ask your professor for extra problems. Your professor can tell you what you need to know how to practice.

  • Question

    I understand all of the textile earlier the exam just in the examination I forget everything. What exercise I practise?

    Community Answer

    This is probably because you are very nervous about the exam and feel that you will fail. Get rid of this negative energy by telling yourself you tin do this. Be confident and yous will ace your exams.

  • Question

    How can I prepare for a physics exam in 12 hours?

    Community Answer

    Memorize the formulas, get through affiliate summaries, and study whatever notes y'all recall are important, just don't expect miracles if you're merely starting to study 12 hours in advance.

  • Question

    Why practice some people empathise the concept immediately afterward existence taught while others exercise not?

    Community Answer

    Every brain is dissimilar, including learning capabilities and natural talents. For some people, math and science are simple and straightforward; for others, they are very complex and confusing, meaning those people have to work harder to sympathise the material.

  • Question

    Why am I forgetting physics later revising?

    Community Answer

    This is likely because y'all aren't studying with the goal of agreement. Avert trying to memorize topics you lot don't understand, actually work to sympathize them and yous'll remember easier.

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Commodity Summary Ten

The key to passing a physics exam is to memorize important equations and their applications. To do so, write down the equation on 1 side of a note carte du jour and what it's used for on the other side, so get through the cards and memorize each equation. Once you've mastered those, test your cognition by solving examples from your notes and the form textbook. You might fifty-fifty be able to observe free online practise tests to help you written report. For more tips, similar how to ace the examination on the 24-hour interval of the exam, read on!

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